Name something couples have a hard time agreeing on when planning for the arrival of their baby 15. Name something men do when their wife is in labour 14. Name something people do to calm a crying baby 11. Name something an expectant mum would pack in her hospital bag 9. Name something new mums wish new dads would help with 8.

Name a moment/event in a child's life that parents don't want to miss 7. Name something new parents can't live without 6. Name something parents have to constantly buy for a baby 5. Name something parents miss most about their pre-baby life 3. Name something you would find in a nappy bag 2. So if you have a spare minute to participate that would be awesome! 1.

I'm just after some more people to answer the questions too. Hello! I recently found a post that surveyed for a Family Feud baby shower game (thank you to whoever posted that in the first place - and those that completed the survey).